This morning, I went to CGCC around 9:30am to go to the driving range. I was the only one on the driving range so I was able to play Sirius XM and listen to BPM while I practiced with all the clubs in my bag. Spent a little over an hour at the driving range today and also gave a tour of CGCC to business clients that are crashing at my house for the next couple weeks. Today, I also learned more about the handicap system and what is ESC. I’ve been counting high strokes on holes (ie 12) and ESC sets maximum scores that would have lowered my score based on my handicap (OTOH I don’t have a handicap, but I assume it would be 40+). After taking care of business, I went to the Bali Hai Golf Club and I scored a 125, which is my lowest score. However, my other scores are from CGCC with a 69.4/127 CR/Slope while Bali Hai has a CR/Slope of 68.6/113. I felt great about my ESC today and my overall play with my co-workers. 9,933 remain. Random Stat: I broke all the tees available on the entire driving range and went through an entire bag of balls.
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