With 4 days of regular training with Dongki, and 4 days of golf at Pebble Beach, I have started to see a lot of improvement. My wife bought me a trip to play the 4 courses affiliated with Pebble Beach Resorts for a birthday present along with lodgings at the hotels near each 1. It was an epic experience.
Day 1: November 2
After a night at the Hyatt (home of the Del Monte Golf Club), it was raining all morning and we considered canceling, but the managers of Pebble Beach said the rain would stop in time for the tee time at 12:30pm. By 12pm, the rain stopped and we had clear skies for the rest of the week. We had lunch at the Pebble Beach restaurant next to the golf shop and played Pebble Beach. It was a very picturesque course. One of my favorite fascinating holes was up a mountain and curved to the right. Being surrounded by beautiful houses and the ocean on a beautiful day made this a magical experience. We spent the night at the resort at Spanish Bay and had a great dinner.
Day 2: November 3
Today, we had the concierge move our luggage to the car and take our clubs to the golf shot at the Links at Spanish Bay. It was awesome a great beach course that combines forest and ocean views. It was a challenging course, but also a great time. We spent the night at a beautiful villa at the Lodge, where we met a family that invited us to play Cypress with them in a future trip. Then, we went back and spent the night relaxing and recovering from a very intense day.
Day 3: November 4
We moved to Casa Palmero and had a morning spa before I go to Spyglass, which was the most difficult golf course. I got a twilight discount for a late 2:30pm start and ended up starting 15 minutes early, but playing solo. It was enough time to finish the 18 holes, but pitch-black, by the time I made it home. Amber prepared a wonderful night with a dinner at the Lodge restaurant over-looking the 18th hole of Pebble Beach and a fun relaxing time at our beautiful villa. It was Amber’s favorite place to stay at Pebble Beach.
Day 4: November 5
We go to Del Monte for our final day of golf and it was the easier course and that was perfect because after 3 previous full-days of golf, I was exhausted with my hands and shoulder sore. There was a lot of kids in the ages of 8-12 practicing in front of us for rounds because the next day was the US Kids Golf Association Championship. Due to slow play of kids playing each 3 balls, we got $200 in free golf shop credit and also the golf shop shipped our clubs back to Vegas for us using Ship Sticks, which was very convenient since we were spending the next few days at Blizzcon.
This was a super awesome trip and I would love to return with Amber and play a couples tournament best-ball game there sometime and a Pro-Am. I’ve wanted to go to Pebble Beach for a long time and I am very appreciative of my wonderful wife for organizing the trip. She is also getting very good. I’d love to return and rent a gorgeous house in Pebble Beach with friends (and a room for 1-2 people so we can play Pebble Beach) and return. Dongki is considering coming in the Spring.
9,679 remain.
Random stat: I was a bit rusty during my game-play due to not playing that much and although I was able to make par, I usually got bogeys or much worst; however, it was still a great time and although some people view playing Pebble Beach as the round of golf that you prepare for as a once-in-a-lifetime experience, it was a great amount of practice over a wonderful vacation for Amber and I that I hope we can repeat when our skillsets are much better.
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